1. Fees are payable termly in advance. Payment may be made by Bank Transfer, by cheque payable to Suffolk Swimming or by cash. If a lesson is cancelled we will offer you an alternative. Refunds cannot be given except in exceptional circumstances, ie serious illness, fracture etc. Please pay promptly so as to help keep our costs down.
  2. All pupils must wear a swimming hat for 2 reasons. To keep hair out the face when learning correct head/ body positions for strokes and to help keep the pool water and filtration system clean. Please make sure your child has his/her own hat.
  3. Goggles may be worn, but your child must have their own goggles and should have them fitted correctly before getting into the water. Goggles should have clear lenses, not shaded, so that the pupils can see the instructor/other pupils clearly. We do not recommend borrowing or sharing goggles as this is not hygienic.
  4. Girls should wear one-piece swimsuits, not bikinis/ tankinis which tend to come ‘adrift‘.
    Boys should wear close fitting trunks- Bermuda type shorts are not suitable as they tend to fill with water and create drag.
  5. Pupils must be ready for their lesson at the stated time, as a pupil coming in late not only misses out on valuable tuition but also disrupts the lesson for the other pupils.
  6. Children should not swim if they have any of the following:- cold, cough, sore throat, open/weeping wounds and in particular – sickness and/or diarrhoea. Guidelines from the Inst of Baths and Recreation Management recommend that faeces have been normal for 2 weeks before resuming swimming.
  7. Please, please, please, Do not come onto poolside wearing your outdoor shoes. Anything you may have walked in will end up in the water that your child swims in!
  8. Photography is only allowed with prior permission of the teacher in charge on poolside and then, only of your own child.
  9. The welfare of our pupils is of paramount consideration whilst on our premises. Our teachers keep close control and supervision while the children are with us in their lesson and we ask that parents/carers give the same supervision before and after lessons in the waiting room and outdoors. Thank you .
  10. Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you have any comments or suggestions please let me or one of my staff know and we’ll do our best to respond.

THERESA BEX-ELMER September 2024